
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I´m trying out various workflows from Rhino to Revit at the moment. I have come across a problem using GG when importing the IFC file into Revit.

In the model I have 3 distinct elements: the internal floors, a curtain wall enclosure and external balconies. (see attached Rhino and Grasshopper files).

Everything seems well until I try importing this into Revit. I get a message informing me that it is "unable to detect generic floor type". After closing this message, I am left with only the internal floors, and some of them have been imported multiple times.

Am I doing some newbie mistake? Should I have a separate workflow for each building element?

I´d appreciate all advise.

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Replies to This Discussion

This is the message I get

Tried this using only one family element, this time the curtain wall system. Yet no change. I'm sure this is a simple mistake.


Sorry for taking so long to respond, been a busy month.

I have just had success with curtain panels as an adaptive component family, still tidying up some loose ends but let me know if I'm not too late to help with your model.







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