
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody, i tried so hard to create a mesh from a geodesic dome. but, when i start to use "network to mesh","network patch" or "network polygons" components, a runtime error shows up. i don't know how does it work. please help me! thx

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Hi Behnood,


There's a couple of options here.  The options for the geodesic dome you've shown creates triangle faces, so in the attached definition I opted to generate single lines at edges (instead of closed polycurves) and then I used my curve network to mesh component (this requires a group of curves that have coincident end and start points at junctions, rather than groups of polycurves).  You could create a planar brep (surface) using each polygon curve as a boundary, and then join and mesh the polysurface.  Just note that if the dome has a high frequency, small "gaps" start to appear between adjacent face edges so your rhino document tolerance might have to be relaxed.


Hope this helps, feel free to post other scenarios if the above doesn't make sense.



Hi jon,

Thank you for the explanation, very helpful! I tried your definition, but unfortunately i still have this problem. I think somethings wrong with my plug-in. because other components work perfectly. Thanks anyway. ;)

inflating this mesh would be interesting ;)

Can you post a screenshot of what you see when you load my definition?  Or if you have changed the nature of the geodesic dome a copy of the model so I can advise for that configuration?

Hi Jon,

Thx 4's a screenshot of your definition. 

Is the StructDrawRhino plugin loaded in Rhino?  Can you test by trying to create a geodesic dome there from the rhino toolbar?   If not, I'll email you and we'll set up a diagnostic build to see why that is not working.





Yes, it works. I created a geodesic dome in rhino without using grasshopper, but "curve network fillet" doesn't work at all.

Are you running a recent version of the plugin?  This is the first thing to check. 


You can verify by running the rhino command sdrVersion  0.8.26 is the latest.  I will send a diagnostic version if this also does not fix.

Thank you so much. I downloaded the latest version v0.8.28 and it works. that's awesome. thx again ;)






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