
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I'm designing a wooden structure, when I use the ggSAPCreateSectionProp component I assign a curve as a profile, Rhino can display it as it is but the point is once I bake the model in SAP 2000 (v.15) that Section is not defined.

If I use a profile from the catalogue it creates that section in SAP properly though.

¿Is there any way I could define that wooden section in grasshopper or is it only posible to use a profile from the geo gym catalogue?

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Sorry, ability to use an arbitrary profile should be blocked at the grasshopper component for the SAP plugin.  Some other software I can define an arbitrary profile curve (like GSA )

but I don't believe this is yet possible from the SAP API (Application Programming interface).

Perhaps if you can manually load/generate the section property in SAP2000, I can enable it to be used for members created by grasshopper.







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