
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Jon

I just start to learn GSA in Geometry Gym,this is simple test on surface,but there is no result and using "ssi" sometimes is working. Could you help me check why "gg" not working?


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If you are having difficulties getting results, set the "close model" input on the solver component to false so you can manually solve and view any error messages (I have spoken to Oasys about possibly extracting messages from the API).  You can also add a ggBake component, right click and enable clipboard summary so you can paste model data into GSA.

When I did this, I found the model was unrestrained.  You'll see in the attached I added a boolean to set the restraint along the edge it seemed was intended for this.

I was still not getting results, but I see none of the inputs for particular results was set to true.  Refer again the attached.

I hope it helps, let me know if more questions arise or the above isn't clear.



Hi jon

thank you very much.

I got the analysis result, but now the problem is that the mesh number was changing when I put the mesh surface into Oasys GSA through grasshopper, So the data number is not matching with the mesh number. Do you have some idea to deal with the same mesh number in GSA and grasshopper, If not, how can I get the the acurate Oasys mesh number in grasshopper.

Thanks again.



Do you mean the quads turned into triangles?

Inaccuracies in the theory of finite (difference) analysis occur when the elements warp or have a high aspect ratio.  So the plugin automatically triangulates quads that it identifies as problematic.

You can try to control the acceptance criteria using the mesh generation options component but on a shape such as this you probably need a lot more (smaller) elements to not have quads triangulated.

Hope it helps,



Hi Jon

thank you for your reply. do you receive my another question ? 

Now I try to finger out the deformation on each point and whole structure, and also reaction force. But the GSA solver get some problems, I already set up the beam type as TIE and the Material as wood. 

Next step, I want to get the stress data on each joins point and move the point to z direction to get the different depth with wood. Time schedule: The thesis MSC phase final is in early September this year. 

Could you help me check this file?








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