
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all!

Currently i am trying for a masterproject architecture to create a building (form) which reacts and adapt to envirinmental influences like the sun and wind.
The geco plug-in with ecotect seems to be the best solution to do This.
I want that the building shape transformes due to the windforce/vector.
I want to know how you can achieve This. I can export the form to ecotect, but then? How do i run a wind analyses and how can i get the information back to grasshopper, so that the building form changes during time.
Maybe iT is easy, but I am not experienced with geco and ecotect.

Hope anyone can help me!


Views: 6044


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hi mariette,


in ecotect there is not a specific CFD module to perform Wind Analysis. There was a tool some,years ago (winair4) but is no more supported and no longer available. Probably the best solution is to link somehow the model with

Vasari (always from autodesk). I think there is a tool for import/export IFC format between gh and revit\vasari...but probably there is some specific component.


I hope I was helpful.



Could it be possibile to interface to something like Comsol Multiphysics? I saw in their demo it is able to do CFD analysis.

Hi Mariette,

You can check the link below, i think it's what you need!

Thanks for your reply, iT was really helpfull.

I used geco, ecotect and winair4 to do a windanalyses on a "building". The output from ecotect in grasshopper is a 2D vectorfield with different colours. My question is, can i also get a 3D output so you dont have to output every layer?

Now i want to accomplish that This vector fieldt adapts the form of a building, mesh, surface. But i do not know how to do that.
Can Anybody help me?


you have to look into the LUA code and especially into GRID3D commands to call all vectors by I,J,K array, otherwise the only option is to get them per layer.


you need to know what you want to do otherwise we would design for you, any parametric approach needs a kind of idea before getting started.

The question is why is the building is optimized against wind and what does it mean and what does the user of the building benefit out of it.

Thanks for your reply!

I Will try the lua option to create a 3D vector field.

I wasn't clear before, but what i want to do is to optimise a buildingform due to the wind. I want that the form changes if there is to much windforce on iT, so that the construction has the least wind force on iT. The building Will take a form so that there is a minimum of wind force in the building, you get a dynamic building. I am still figuring out how to do that, how to translate the vector field to forces on the buildingform.

Maybe you can help?

Hello :)

I need a 3D vector flow.

Is there any hint on how to write a LUA code for that?






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