
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

if you have any ideas/problems or questions just let us know ;)

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hi thomas,

is there a way to automate the import analysis grid from grasshopper to change the 2D slice position offset? for instance, I would like to have several (a series of) slices at the same time and being able to change that values in grasshopper

maybe it´s not a bad idea to implement


Hi Miguel

off course it is possible!!
assamble it as you can see in the attached image(click on the image for a huger resolution).
The output B is for toggle the recalculation of the grid!!
thats why we implemented the LUA custom component to make small things possible for interaction with ecotect and the scriptmanager.
maybe we will add something in the future,....

hope to see a image of your project afterwards and thanks for your post.

Hi Miguel!

the offset is know included in the new Geco08 release


Thanks for your answer thomas!

Sorry I didn´t answer back. I don´t know why I didn´t get the message in my e-mail.

I have one more trouble with normals when exporting the meshes from GH to Ecotect. Is it usual?

Everything is fine in GH but it´s not when it comes into Ecotect. And then no matter how I flip the meshes that it doesn´t do anything in Ecotect.
Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.


I will send you the images of the project for sure! :-)
Hi Miguel

could you please send me screenshots from your problems?
its my first time with geco and im getting a funny result

the image in ecotect

Hi Mohammad
take a look on the //SolarAccessAnalysis// example in our example files section
if you still have trouble we need a pic of your definition.
or you can contact our friend Mohamed Zaghloul from your university!
He is also used to geco and how to work with it
- to]
thank you so much, i got it :)
thaks alot
Greetings Sir

Great work.
Is there a way of transferring a 'solar ray' study from Ecotect to Grasshopper? I'm particularly interested in working with the solar rays as vector curves for points of refection/ bounce etc.

Please advise


Dear UTO,


Please find hereafter three requests which I thought of while working with GECO.


1) Could there be a component with "wind direction and temperature" for which the result would be mapped on a mesh similarly to the EcoSolCal?

2) Could there be a "find 1)hottest 2)coldest day 3)Most Overcast Day" integer input within the EcoSunRay Component

3) For visualisation purpose, would it be possible to change the opacity of the mapping to make it more or less transparent?


Hoping these are not too complicated to add,

Many thanks for your generosity developing such a helpful tool! 







Dear Arthur


1 | so you want a wind-rose and temperature  representation inside rhino as you can see it in the ecotect weathertool?


- what would be the benefit?

- whole year or specific day,,hour?












2 | would be possible, but i would prefer a separate component that i can use to inform the EcoSunRay Component

3 | about the mapping. it is not possible to set a vertex color to transparent. You can use Vicente Soler's mapping for rendering techniques or export the model to 3dsmax to set the transparence in the Vertex-shader


- to]









Hi to],


Thank you very much for your fast reply,


For 1. Would it not be possible to map the weather tool results onto a mesh just like EcoSolCal does ?


The purpose would be, for example, to link a building component (designed from the mesh edges on GH) with the wind direction and temperature result (will send an example later using EcoSolCal instead).


If this was the case, a yearly average would probably be best.










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