
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to model a list of buildings and to perform daylight calculations on all of them (at the same time) - including the shadings they give to each other if they're close.

The buildings don't shade each other wherever I place them...

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


Views: 328


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dear Andrei,

the calculation is over a whole year, over the whole day so you will not see clear shadows on the towers as they get blurred.

calculate it at one day and a specific time and you will see the result you expect.


I'm setting the day period to a domain ( interval between 2 consecutive integers : 277 - 278 or to the same integer : 278 ) and varying the hour interval from a few to more hours. 

I've noticed that there is a very small difference in the values: below 1 unit of what I am getting at output. Shouldn't there be a more definite difference between the facades of 2 buildings which are very close and one is in the shade of the other most of the day ? Maybe I haven't set up my computation parameters correctly ?



What would be the best computation to depict differences in shading during 10 - 17 on an average day ? I am referring to the different parameters the Insolation Calculations geco component takes ?

Thanks and Regards,



After opening your file the problem you face is that your facades are singles even if there would be a shadow it cannot be visualized as you calculate everything depending on one face.

So what you actually have to-do is to subdivide the facades and then calculate the impact.







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