
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Hi Ognek,


maybe the face normals are oriented to the wrong direction?

Hi both, really great job! I am enjoying it very much.


One question about a problem i have in updating the numeric outputs.

I am having problems in automatically updating the Ecotect's calculations results when changing the geometry's paramers. The geometry is correctly imported back in Ecotec after changing the parameters. Somehow, it looks like calculations are also re-running properly. But instead numeric outputs remain the same. Numeric outputs do not change in Ecotect nor in the object request Geco components. (This happens even though according to the geometry's variations they should be really different: if I restart manually the entire resolution, setting it by hand to true again, then the values update). Any clou about what I am doing wrong? Any help?

The problem above creates me troubles when connecting Geco's numeric outputs (such as DF or insolation values) to the Galapagos loops, since the optimization of course cannot find ways to converge the results (since of course all individuals have equal performance).

Thanks a lot for helping! And again congrats and thanks for the great job!


Hi Michela

Great to hear that you enjoy our tool and to hear you again after zürich!

how is everything going?

Could you please post a screen-capture of your definition or send it to us via email so that we can take a closer look on it.... in our studies it is working fine and as expected

hear you soon

also greetings from Ursula


Hi Thomas! Fine here - hectic time after after Zurich, but better hectic than borring.. ;). How are things doing for you? I know from "rumors" that the workshops in Wien and Innsbruk were great :). We try now to integrate Geco in an interdisciplinary architectural engineering studio: hoping we can show you some nice applications of your tool, I'll keep you update and sending now details by e-mail. Here the file (very welcome to be shared). It most probably contais trivial errors by me, thanks for helping and giving some tip! Gr. Michela
Ok, right, I see the outputs update correctly. Origin of problems must be in some different mistake I do:
- Incident radiation: I am not sure I understand what is going on: why I get so many 'not a number' ? (The Galapagos report is full of NaNs).  
  Bio-Diversity: 0.887
  Genome[0], Fitness=NaN, Genes [89% · 44%]  {
    Record: Too many fitness values supplied  } ...
  Genome[7], Fitness=NaN, Genes [74%]   {
    Record: No fitness value was supplied   }
Genome[9], Fitness=NaN, Genes [37% · 11%]  {
    Record: Genome was mutated to avoid collision
    Record: Too many fitness values supplied  }
- Daylight calculations: the geometry accumulates withouth deleting the previous models. As a consequance, results almost do not change after few varations (so, outputs get updated but do not vary). In current daylight definition: the first object being imported is the one where the grid has to fit; its setting makes it cancelling all the other objects during import. All the others, do not delete anything when imported. When running loops (manual or GA) that vary parameters, the entire geometry do not get cancelled - so I guess the loop does not pass back by the cancelling step, but imports only the geometry which has been varied by the parameters using the setting of that import component only? I will then try again by changing the order of the operations, but if you have specfic tips, let me know.  

here the file


Hi Michela!


... found the mistakes ;) ...

1) solar radiation

maybe it is a little bit confusing, but for the ObjectRequest you have to support interval of indices (e.g. 0 to 10) not the index numbers

2) daylight

as you recognized the geometry of the lamellas accumulates...

the export component must be set to 1 = delete selected objects in ecotect

important: to avoid that other geometry than the lamellas are deleted, deselect all geometry manually in Ecotect or deselect "all" = select.none with the "Lua-component" in GH.


see attached file :)


merry christmas



I see, quite clear now - great, thanks!!

Merry Christmas to you both! Michela

Dear Jan

We tested Geco with Meshes with approx. more than 10000 faces and of course more is possible.

According your Problem, Geco has an internal timer so if your calculation takes longer than 5 minutes we have a time out routine and your Grasshopper is free for keep on working on other stuff, but the Process in Ecotect will still finish. After than you just have to reset the boolean setting for EcoObjectRequest manually. (just connect a boolean toggle instead of the direct connection). Hope that solves your Problem.

For your question about Ecotect, sorry there is no possibility of exporting RGB vaues from Ecotect, because they are generated with the values.




Is it possible to make the time out routine longer than 5 minutes? The evaluation I'm currently running takes longer than 5 minutes and I want to animate/run galapagos, but I can't do that if I have to change the boolean setting for EcoObjectRequest manually. Thanks.

Dear Uto,


Geco Question:

EcoSunPath[N] (North Offset) -- What is the function of this parameter?  It doesn't seem to have an effect on the Insolation values.




//North Offset - Orientation//

Use this control to set the orientation of the North Point relative to the Y-axis of the model grid. This is always in degrees and is taken in a clockwise direction relative to the positive Y axis.


Hi uto,

I have been trying to calculate the solar insolation over a mesh surface. Yet no matter what orientation of the surface or sun - it always comes up with the same solution (in ecotect also). We created the same script on a different computer and it calculated the insolation fine. Do you know why this might be happening?








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