
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I had hoped it would be possible to grab the Count user data from the geometry so I could get hold of the guid for the numbering dot. I can see that it exists there as a parameter.

Any suggestions on how I could alternatively grab that piece of user data through components or via a scripted component?

I've attached the snapshot of things not working for me.



Views: 870


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Hi James,

do you have the latest FabTools version 0.95? If not please download that one from

The latest version has a component, which exactly does, what you want to achieve. It uses the userdata from RhinoCount to sort the objects when referenced with grasshopper.

The GetUserData Component excludes all keys starting with "rhinoCount" ;-)

I hope this helps,

Cheers FF

Hi Florian,

Thanks for responding so quickly - I think I'm still stuck because I want to be able to grab the text dots so I can somehow arrange them with the components using your brilliant "arrange" tool :-)

See attached images showing what I'm doing - I would like to have the ability to move the Count text dots alongside the geometry if possible - it would be ideal to be able to do it without having to totally re-build the dots.

I might be missing something simple?

Thanks again,



Hi James,

i made an update to the GetUserData component, so you're able to retrieve the dot via the key "bf7_rhinoCount_dot" and then you can add it to the updated Arrange component. Both should be of version 0.96 which i'll upload to the public in some weeks.

You can use the components in the attached script in the meantime:


Florian, that is brilliant. Thank you so much!


Ur welcome ;-)

Have a nice day,






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