I am making some first use of the Exo- Wireframe; I took a look to the Exo-vase exemple definition and tried to apply the same logic to a simple geometry, which is a sort of star derived from a control point edit from a sphere.
Since it is the first time I try Exoskeleton, I checked the lists of input geometry in the exemple and got the same in my definition, but the component turned red, giving this error message:
1. Solution exception:Index was outside the bounds of the array.
For the Radius at Start and End values, I tried using the same principle applied inside the Exo-vase exemple, which links the radius to the Z values, remapping them from .3 to 8.
Is there the problem or elsewhere?
Could someone give me a hint about what I am missing ? Many thanks!!!
Below a screenshot., and I attach the definition.