
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


thanks for Elk its been super useful!

I'm trying to create a watershed geometry of an entire river basin atm. As rivers can stretch very large areas it is difficult to download a complete map of it (alongside all the other map data in the same area).

There are a number of tools to filter OSM data to display specific subsets and relations. One of these tools is the overpass API, which has a great browser based tool here:

Main page

I have tried to read the OSM generated from the overpass API into Elk, but I get the following error.

After looking at the XML more closely I realised that the overpass API doesnt include a <bounds> tag defining the longitudinal and latitudinal domain.

Once I added one manually it processed ok.

More soon hopefully,


Views: 1090


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You can also download from Overpass directly from the OpenStreetMap page.  Just get the extents of the map to what you want exported and select the green Export button at the top of the page.  Then instead of using the blue Export button that writes out the OSM file, click the Overpass API link underneath it.  That will use Overpass to get the boundingbox extents of your map and save out a file in the correct format.  That way you don't have to edit the XML and add in the line for the bounds and still get around the node limit in the standard OSM export button.







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