
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


DIVA for Rhino

DIVA-for-Rhino is a plugin which runs thermal, daylight, solar radiation, and glare simulations. Our goal is to bring validated environmental simulations directly to the conceptual design environments of Rhino and Grasshopper.

Location: Boston, Minneapolis, New York
Members: 573
Latest Activity: May 3, 2023

Discussion Forum

how to change visualized material transmissivity

I'm looking to produce different visualizations where I change the color and transmissivity of my window panes (see attached two images with the same color and different transmissivity).Changing…Continue

Started by Raphael Kay Jan 7, 2021.

Diva annual day light

Hi everybodyI dave a problem with Diva annual daylightWhen I run a Simulation an error occurs and it didn't wordI attach that captureHelp me plzContinue

Started by Hossein Jul 11, 2020.

Daylight factor Radiance Paramters in DIVA

Hello!I am using DIVA for grasshopper and I noticed that the daylight factor increases when using higher "quality" or higher radiance parameters. Especially -ab and -ad. So the question about the…Continue

Started by Omar Zalloum Jun 25, 2020.

Annual Glare Probability DIVA for Rhino

Hi everyone,I am running annual glare probability in Diva-Rhino for my project but it is taking so long and at the end there is no result. (see attached photo)any idea what is the issue?Continue

Started by elham abdollahi Jun 23, 2020.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Mohamed hegazy on March 7, 2015 at 3:37pm

@Israa El-Maghraby

Try Flatten the ground before Connecting to shades

Comment by Israa El-Maghraby on March 7, 2015 at 11:48am

Hello every one, I've a little problem concerning Thermal simulation, when I add the surrounding context as a berp beside the facade elements as  a shade it runs the thermal simulation twice, giving me two results of everything. Any clue what might be the problem!!

Comment by Israa El-Maghraby on February 26, 2015 at 5:31am

Hello Jeff Niemasz Awesome Plugin, but I've a little problem that the thermal analysis takes longer time than it should. It always stops at Initializing simulation for about 20 minutes. There's any way to make take less time. the shading element consists of like 12 planar surfaces, so as mush as i guess no modeling problem. Let me add when I only test one planar surface it runs quicker

Thanks in advance

Comment by Panagiotis Samaras on July 7, 2014 at 10:12am

Hi everyone, I was wondering if Shaderade has been incorporated in the latest Diva versions?

I have found a similar question asked on November 2012 without a clear answer. Could you please inform me with anything related to the Shaderade component?

Comment by Jon Sargent on March 17, 2014 at 4:33pm

Adam -- is correct.  I think Jeff got a little ahead of himself.  :)


Comment by Adam Castelli on March 17, 2014 at 4:09pm

Hi Jeff. I just reinstalled diva - version, but the grasshopper version is still being shown as, not  Is included as the DIVA.ForGrasshopper.gha in the C:\DIVA folder? I copied this into my gh components folder, but I'm still seeing as the component version, not sure why..

Comment by Jeff Niemasz on March 10, 2014 at 7:24pm

Hi Adam,

This should have been corrected. If you right click on a component you will see the version- if it is not then you should install the latest version. Let me know if that does not resolve the issue.
Comment by Adam Castelli on March 6, 2014 at 9:47am

Thanks Jeff. I would like to use the GenericTranslucentPanel_20 material, but this material is not shown in the gh material component even though it is in the material.rad file and accessible in the rhino diva menu. Not sure why it is that I can't get to it in gh. I see in the material.rad file that "The model requires the following two files have been added to a directory included in your RAYPATH variable (c:\daysim\lib or C:\Radiance\lib): & Translucent20.dat" I'm not sure if this could be the problem because I only see "rang" in my Daysim\lib and I don't see "Translucent20" in either folder.. Any thoughts on this? I found that someone else had similar problem not seeing the translucent material in the gh menu.. here.. Not sure if they resolved it..



Comment by Jeff Niemasz on March 4, 2014 at 5:44am

Adam- instructions for creating a custom radiance material for the grasshopper component are here.

Comment by Adam Castelli on March 3, 2014 at 10:16pm

Hello. Is it possible to use a translucent glass material in a daylight analysis using Grasshopper? The specific problem I have is that I would like to model a translucent skylight and use grasshopper/diva to test angle variations of shading fins above this skylight on interior illumination levels. As there is no translucent material in the gh diva material component, is it possible to assign a custom material in rhino and then include it in the model which is analyzed when the gh daylight analysis is run? or another way to do it?




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