
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Core Studio Team,

I have used TT tool box and Colibri to optimize some features of building façade, Although their are not optimization tools. By considering all possible solutions that they proposed, I could find the pareto solutions (only 640 design option exist). Then by using Utopian point method the pareto optimum were find! A simple optimization process.

1- I want to know whether this method by applying these tools could be rational or not?

one more critical question is:
According to Brown et al. (2020) grasshopper includes Parametric toolboxes including Lunchbox, TT Toolbox, and Dodo, which contain components for geometry processing as well as some machine learning and optimization functionality.

The reviewer of my paper asked that the component ( TT toolbox and Colibri .. )are not familiar with him/her, and according to the above mentioned sentence he want to know

2- " how machine learning and optimization functionality work with the parametric model" .

I appreciate it if you could answer the question it is a valuable help.

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