
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Hi Ben,

We haven't built this into our CAD exporter, but I'd recommend you check out the Human Tools as he has developed a nice suite of components that all you access to you Rhino layers table which allows for some very smart baking.  This should definitely be a step in the right direction for you.

Hey Matt - when exporting a file using the CAD exporter it seems I can only export with an existing layer name from the Rhino document rather than one I create myself as a text object in Grasshopper.

Is this correct? And if so, what is the intention of the Layer input if the component is referencing the Rhino document and not my Grasshopper data?

I'm asking because I want each CAD file to have a different layer (e.g. the geometry in file1.dwg all on layer "file1," the geometry in file2.dwg all on layer "file2," etc.).

To clarify: not multiple layers in one file (which I understand is not yet possible with this tool), but rather a unique layer for each file.

I think I just answered my own question. The purpose of the input is so you can specify which of your existing Rhino document layers to use for your various file exports, paired using matching tree structures and limited to one data item per branch.

In the image below I use Human Tools to reference existing layers into Grasshopper.

This way I can auto-export massive amounts of geometry to multiple CAD files each with a unique layer and then import them all into a single file maintaining layer differentiation.

Not convinced this is better or faster than baking with attributes and then exporting...

If anyone has alternative suggestions (or if I'm misunderstanding something) please let me know.


Looks like the layerNames input isn't working correctly.  Smells like a bug we will have to fix with the next release.  Good catch.


im a little late, but have the same problem.

i want to export different files with elements on different layers...

is there a solution?



I just open your new   TT_Toolbox_Sample_release1.5.1 and when I enable DASHBOARD I can not see any images in my Rhino...  

I can see that there are some new windows but I can not open or see anything in Rhino..

I would appreciate some help,  

Hi Michal,

Dashboards components are individual floating windows forms, so the legends/graphs are not drawn on Rhino view ports or either GH canvas. So it gives user freedom to drag & move or re-size the legends or graphs on the screen.

We have done a bunch of enhancements on dashboards components, and new version of TT Toolbox will be release today (hopefully) or early morning tomorrow. 
Thank you for your interest,


Is it possible to get the cell attributes from Excel with your tools, such as cell width and row height? I would like to create a table in Rhino that is formatted just like the Excel sheet.

I can get the data in, but would like to automate creating the table.



Hi Eric,

At the moment we don't have plans to add in this functionality.  I am sure with a little programming inside of Excel you could grab this meta data about the worksheet, feed it into the sheet itself, then read that info into GH. 

I'm having trouble with the brute force solver. When I enter a value in to the "Set Limit (L)" input and toggle R to true, I get the following error message, "The combination of sliders entered will produce 53760 solutions. 700 solutions is the current limit. If you would still like to run all solutions, enter a value greater than or equal to 53760 in the 'L' input." I don't want to run all solutions, I want to run 700. Still doesn't work if I leave the default value of L as 1,000. Is there something I'm missing to get it working with a limited number of solutions? Thanks.

Hi Luc,

I tested this out today, and with the 1.6 build of TT Toolbox it should solve up to the value set assigned to "Set Limit".  If you are running an older version of TT Toolbox this may have been a bug.  Can you confirm which version you have?  Also, in the latest version of the tool we have switched the boolean input to only run the solver when a button is used (no toggles) as there were occasional hang-ups with the toggle that we haven't fully sorted out. Let me know if 1.6 solves this for you or if the problem persists.  

Also of note, the inputs into "S" must be the actual sliders, not the slider values passing through a number or int component.


Thanks for the reply. I just updated to the 1.6 build of TT Toolbox and still can't get the brute force component to work with value assigned to "Set Limit." When I click the button the solver turns red and doesn't run. Unfortunately when I release the solver the error message goes away so I don't what it is. Below is a screenshot of my setup.






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