
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



The CORE studio at Thornton Tomasetti uses Grasshopper everyday to enhance workflows amongst many engineering disciplines. We draw a lot of help and inspiration from this community and hope that you will find some of the tools that we have created helpful, too.

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Latest Activity: Nov 7, 2024

TT Toolbox

Head over to food4rhino to download the second edition of the TT Toolbox plugin for Grasshopper.

TT Toolbox features a range of different tools that we from the CORE studio at Thornton Tomasetti use on a regular basis, and we thought some of you might appreciate these.

You can find a primer with a complete listing and documentation of our tools inside of the downloadable zip file.

Some of the tools included in TT Toolbox are:

  • A lightning fast Excel Reader/ Writer with many options such as file creation, work sheet creation, conditional formatting that matches GH coloring and more.
  • A Section Sweeper (inspired by Jon Mirtschin's StructDrawRhino plugin) that sweeps BREP of structural shape sections around guide curves.
  • A Safe-Delete component that lets you safely delete user-selected Rhino geometry that is not currently referenced in Grasshopper.
  • A CAD exporter that [batch-] creates dwg files from GH.
  • A reader and writer for Google spreadsheets

Other tools include:

  • Unit converter
  • Match Tree Structure
  • Retrieve Tree Branch
  • Retrieve Tree Item
  • Curve Type
  • Get Geometry Names from Rhino
  • Remove Duplicate Lines based on a tolerance value
  • Sort Curves by Direction

To install:

  • In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Save the gha file there.
  • Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
  • Restart Rhino and Grasshopper

Though we did some alpha testing in the office, we may not have covered all of the bugs and will certainly appreciate your feedback.

Best Regards,

The ACM Team

Discussion Forum

Excel Write Error 6 Replies

Have a pretty a pretty standard write to excel attempt giving me a weird error. Some context, I am writing 11 lists of 96 numerical strings one after another until I have an very long 11 column excel…Continue

Started by Stephen Yoshida. Last reply by ClarenceParkinson Nov 7, 2024.

Combining Anemone and Colibri 1 Reply

Hi All,I've built an iterative procedure to optimize steel frame structures. I used Anemone to make the iterative loop.Now I want to make a data set with the loops end result of every variant. I…Continue

Tags: Karamba3D, loop, Anemone

Started by Rayaan Ajouz. Last reply by Jacob Versteeg Conlledo May 4, 2022.

TT Toolbox- How it works?

Dear Core Studio Team,I have used TT tool box and Colibri to optimize some features of building façade, Although their are not optimization tools. By considering all possible solutions that they…Continue

Started by Maryam Talaei Apr 3, 2021.

Questions about using the TT Toolbox components 69 Replies

Please post any questions you might have here... Thanks!Continue

Started by Jonatan Schumacher. Last reply by bea franko Jun 13, 2019.

Comment Wall


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Comment by bea franko on July 24, 2020 at 8:57am


I have aquestion about the cad exporter.

i want to export a batch of files. each file should consist of curves etc. located on multiple layers.

i can generate multiple files but dont know how to controll the layer of the objects.

please help!

thank you!

Comment by Alvaro Rodriguez Garcia on April 3, 2018 at 1:14pm


I am using Colibri together with Galapagos to, later on, use Design Explorer but I do not know how to filter to get only the best solutions instead of having thousands of them, how can I set up to only record the best ones ( to a certain extent) or to a specific value 

Thank you so much 

Comment by AJ on February 13, 2017 at 12:49am

Brute force doesn't exist anymore? thnx A

Comment by Martin Siegrist on November 22, 2016 at 4:54am

I've been using a button with the CAD Exporter to toggle the export and my GH somewhat freezes. It does still export my geometry... With a Boolean toggle it works without any issues but I need to toggle back to false afterwards.

Why does GH freeze when I use a button? Does that make any sense?

Comment by Sara Ma on October 14, 2016 at 1:37pm

Hello. Please I am trying to get the Embodied carbon Tool as mentioned in the link blow:

but the plug-in I downloaded from Food for Rhino does not include the carbon calculator tab. Can you please help get the tool? Thank you

Comment by machinehistories on January 28, 2016 at 6:34pm

I installed version 1.7 of TT Toolbox but I seem to be missing several tools. For example none of the tools to connect to google sheets are present nor are any of the force density tools. Here is what the TT tab look like on my screen. 

Comment by Jonatan Schumacher on July 9, 2014 at 1:27pm

haha, true. This is outdated already...

Comment by Michal Dengusiak on July 9, 2014 at 1:00am

Yes, please... greeting from Germany :)

Comment by Mostapha Sadeghipour Roudsari on July 8, 2014 at 4:08pm

I think you need to update the world cup graph!

Comment by Brian Ringley on July 8, 2014 at 12:40pm

Can I use the brute force method to solve for multiple fauxhawk and macklemore fitness values?


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