
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Excuse me for my googlenglish and if I do not follow the "doctrines" of the group.

Due of the interest for publications of Piker and mine about games with Kangaroo, i think that would be fun and interesting make a challenge of games between all the community. Look here.

To all of us like games. There are many ways to make it, and isn't something that takes a long time. Essentially only need a good idea.

Therefore, if you want to participate, you will be subject to these rules:

1. You must publish the Grasshopper definition, without cluster with passwords.
2. Can not compete with a file already published.
3. May judge the whole community, but once finished the date of delivery and they must follow these bonuses:

- Playability. More entertaining, better. 

- Originality. Classic, modern or new games adapted to Gh.
- Divergence. Thinking differently, usual components used for other reasons.
- Master. If you learn from its definition, reward it.
- Simplicity. Not necessarily less components, rather a clear logic.

- Smoothness. Should be quick, no need to rent a supercomputer. 

The deadline is November 30. From 1 to December 15, all we can score / value, with 3, 2 ​​and 1 points to the first, second and third respectively. Who has the highest score on 16, wins the challenge.

Good luck! 

Views: 4172

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OK, I'm in! Sounds fun. 

I had a nearly-all-the-way working implementation of scrabble... maybe this will be my impetus to finish it!

Hi all!

This challenge came in just the right time for me. In the process of studying Kangaroo and its capabilities, I was working on an 8-ball billiards definition when I saw Daniel's game and then this post.

So I guess I'll be the first one to post my game:

Some notes on the game

  • As you might have guessed it is just the break shot and not a full 8-ball game (any suggestions as to how consecutive shots could be added are more than welcome).
  • I haven't separated solids from stripes (this would require adding spin to the balls which seemed too much trouble). So each color is applied to 2 balls.
  • There is a counter for pocketed balls with warnings when the cue-ball or 8-ball is pocketed.
  • There is a bonus metaballs display mode (just because it looks cool).

Game Settings

  • Time Step: From Kangaroo Settings "How far the system moves through time with each iteration. Smaller values increase stability at the cost of speed".
  • Ball Drag: Viscous drag applied to all balls. The smaller the value, the longer the balls will keep rolling.
  • Wall Bounce: The restitution (bounciness) of the walls surfaces.
  • Cue Ball Mass: The mass of the particle that represents the cue ball.
  • Gravity: The strength of the gravity force.

How to play

  • Use the MD Slider to aim, double click the SHOOT Toggle and see how you did on the panels bellow that.
  • The goal of the game is to pocket as many balls as possible without pocketing the cue-ball or the 8-ball.


  • The 8-BALL.3dm and files work together. The has all the geometry internalized. I am posting them all because internalize data often fails.



Wow, that is as cool as the sailing simulator. Kangaroo is so powerful. Hope to manage it to learn it soon... Thanks for this def.

Hi Nikos,

First of all, awesome work!

Secondly, I saw that this is using Breps for the collisions.

By switching to simple meshes I get a speed up from around 30ms per iteration to less than 2ms!


and here it is combined with Zombie/Galapagos, in response to this question:


Slight improvement on the fitness function:


Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your comment! (and a big THANK YOU for your work btw!)

After years of using autocad I have developed a natural tendency for solids and against meshes... I guess it will take some practice for me to get rid of that...

I will implement this in v.0.02 :)

Here's a little example of how Firefly's IsKeyPressed component can be used in conjunction with Kangaroo for a very direct control of simulations:



is it just me or...?

Hi guys!
Here is my game: SPACE RIDERS.

Year 3014, the formula1 of space has great popularity, but the craziest riders are starting a new discipline, take some objects in an asteroid belt before the time runs out, of unexplored planets. These masters of gravity risk their lives for the adrenaline, dodging gigantic rocks that could hit their ships crashing into planets and no hope that they can be rescued.

Requires Kangaroo and Human (and in full with Firefly).

Goal of the game

You have four minutes to get six stars and reach the goal. Or die trying.

If a satellite hits you, you will leave fired.

The game has three types of control

1 Using the keyboard (requires Firefly).
2 With an external device such as a smartphone or tablet (requires Firefly and TouchOSC app).
3 Using the mouse, from the grasshopper interface.

Download files

Gh, 3dm, touchosc and textures.







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