
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I´m trying to get a better understanding of the polycentric distribution component.

I´m working in urban regeneration process related to touristic products on my PhD, to not extend myself too much, let´s say I have a previous analysis about Tourist activity, Morphological and functional characteristic of an urban network, Quality of Life analysis related to the Urban environment. and a Cellular automata results for activity allocation in a given lot:

with that information, I´m trying to generate a new urban regeneration project in the pink area, and I know the square meters that should be allocated to it (Blue for commercial - hotel, orange for facilities, red for housing and green for open space)

on the other hand, i developed a grasshopper file with different parameters in order to control a street network in the pink area, the grasshopper evaluates through Galapagos the best option to maximize the betweenness values of the area, as variables there is te general direction of the grid, size of the plots and the location of maximum accessibility points in the network (using spiderweb add-on)

now I have the street network with all its values, and for example, commercial agglomerations location are related to the betweenness values according to sevtsuk and other authors, and hotel location are related to the distance with the touristic products they depend on as well as the commercial agglomeration (as commercial agglomerations play the role of secondary touristic products), How can I use the polycentric distribution component to allocate the commercial-hotel use that I obtained on the cellular automata results?

a first step as far as I understand is to obtain the Pearson product between the variables of the location, Betweenness, distance to touristic products etc in order to use it as an input ("plot measures") on the Polycentric distribution component, the "Total" input should be the square meters obtained on the cellular automata?

obtaining as a result this kind of map:

is it right my understanding of the polycentric distribution component?

what about the distribution parameter and the number of steps?

any published paper on this topic, Pirouz?

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