
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everyone, 
Im trying to control a robotic arm using firefly and grasshopper. All is working but the sliders when moved force the servo to the correct position at full speed almost breaking the arm.

I was wondering if there would be a way to smooth the sliders/input so it doesnt jump to the value but rather creeps slowly? 

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Hi Patrick, Could you describe the output you would like in more detail. How slowly?

So if I drag slider from 0 - 180, I dont want the output to go like 0 - 180 instantly. Instead I was trying to make it go gradually so if I slide from 0 - 180, Im trying to make it go 0,1,2,3...- 178,179,180 in about 5 seconds. Basically, limit acceleration to a hyperbolic curve.  

If I understand correctly, you would like to have an output go from 0-180 over 5 seconds. In addition, you would like to use a curve to manipulate the acceleration.

Yeah. Basically. THIS :D but imagine the pen is a slider and the white is the output. Delayed behind. So the servo slowly gets into position rather than rapidly snapping the arm.

What you are probably looking for is a Quartic Ease In Ease Out or any similar easing equation. 

Yes thats exactly it. Now I just need to figure out how to add it to grasshopper. Would I use the python code component and code in it? Im going to do a little research on this. 

Thank you






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