
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David,

Nice sets of components, 

Any plan to implement column resizing? Or allow auto resize to happen.

I tried to look into the code but it seems more complicated then I could find in available documentation.

ExcelSheet.AutoFitColumn(index)  does not seem to work..

If you have time to code this, would be really great. Cell merge would also be a nice feature but also seems to be complicated.

Thanks for the work.

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That's a great idea.

Im looking into restructuring the datatree inputs to allow for a second branch to access a sheet in workbooks right now {A;B}(C) = {Worksheet; Column}(Row), as well as trying to update the LIVE component to get it really functional.

Ill definitely look into that one and include it in the new release as soon as i can get to it.

Hi David, great that you are interested in it.

Another issue that when I wrote script with your plugin and send it to other people, they experience this error: 

I fixed it by re-pointing the path to my Excel interop (forgot what my filename exactly is...). But is there a way to just use perhaps Windows Marshal to figure this out when it could not find the dll.





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