
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I would like to find a book or some resources on the logic behind parametric design,

I already Read AAD by the great "Arturo Tedeschi", It is great indeed, now I am hungry for more but I doubt I can start my own algorithm projects yet,

I am interested in architecture, but any geometric design can be adapted...

thanks in advance

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This is not parametric design, this is algorithmic or generative design. In the edition of the process is the paradigmatic change, parameters are at an interface level, the data is the current, not the field. So if you want to learn about processes, you must learn the language that can produces them. If you learn a language, express yourself with it. You learn in a genuine way only if you face your own problems/exercises. If you want to learn quickly and less deeply, then books or teachers are your best choice. But I do not think there is a logic behind this, if there is one, it is very generalist or partial. There can be no an instruction to make art with instructions. There are logics of all kinds, although grasshopper is very limited in this because it is sequential (non-parallel), in cascade (it is difficult to control the flow) and acyclic (no plugins, no loops). But it allows you to code within it :)

Btw, You have asked a general question in a particular group, on the main page you have an +Add a Discussion in the forum panel to ask general questions.

yes I now realised my fault

Thank you Daniel, but I didn't understand what to do,

which language? I recently started python but I still don't know how to apply it at a geometry and space level...

I will open a new general discussion, I hope to hear from you please

Well, I was speaking in an abstract way. With language I was referring to the set of expressions and rules that allow you to operate in a system. In this sense Rhinoceros is a language, to operate with geometry. It has its methods of creation, manipulation... and certain patterns that construct the edition of geometry. Grasshoper is also a language from this sense, which interprets a nodal edit to the language of rhino. Another example of this is Processing, which interprets and extends the functionality of java2d/OpenGL in a more simplified syntax.

So here is to understand the language of Rhino, regardless of the language you use. Grasshopper is ok to start, in my case I went to pure code in a natural way after learning GH. Python, VB or C# are also fine, you use the one that is most comfortable to you at this moment, when you have more experience you can reevaluate the language appropriate for your needs. When you learn to use language (GH, Python or any), then you have to put it into practice, and you learn more when that practice solves your own problems/needs. That's why my point I wanted to get is that you look for your own problems. For example with grasshopper, think of something you would like to model and use the forum to learn along the way. How do you think you learn more, repeating exercises that others have thought or think your own exercises even if you are always wrong? We learn more from mistakes than from successes. One sees that is learning gh when manages to do the same thing that a few months ago but computationally more efficient (less components, well structured data, etc.).

Maybe I've exceeded xd. When you begin to learn a language, you need to know the technical part (grammar and syntax), and that requires examples and repetitions. You can start with:, but about patterns or logical thinking, what I said before prevails from my point of view.






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