
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

a major revision of this def is out, maybe the last one as "acoustic" shoot (next would be optic)

try and share feedbacks

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Hi Guillaume. Thanks for developing this! It works well and seems fairly fast, too. Any chance of getting it to function with trimmed surfaces at some point?

i haven't tested it with trimmed surface but i will see what i can do, anyway send me a file (V4) so i can test what you exactly mean.

hi,I must thank you very much, it really works very well and fast,and  I am using it to my 

curriculum design--a theatre. I think it will be great with the your great support.

hello, I would like to ask if Acoustic shoot is currently open source? It would be useful for a reserch I am conducting.

Thank you!

use it as much as you want but it's not working with GH last version, if you make it work don't hesitate to share

all the best


I have problems with acoustic shoot too. The first time i open your file is working but when i modify something or even change the name of the file the vb command stops. The error isn't always the same but a problem with the 136 line appears frequently in the error's messages.

Does someones knows how to fix it? Thank you.

unfortunatly, as said before, my plugin ins't working anymore with the last GH3D...

Maybe i'll try to fix this someday but i don"t have any time right now.





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