
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I recieved some requests about sharing my Pavilion definition file, so here it is to download.The initial setup is far from fail safe.


It outputs each piece flat and ready for production.


Be aware that the input curves from rhino that gives the overall shape of the structure has quite a lot of design limitations. Depending on the shape, this file will not create only planar pieces, ie look out for twisting parts.



Views: 2890


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Muy buen aporte. Muchas gracias or tank you
Could you upload the GHX in 6049 version? I could not see the file in the vesion 8

sorry, I only have it in v.8. I don't think it's possible to export to older versions..
tanks. probaré reinstalando la version 8
It's made in version 0.8.0004, maybe the newer doesn't work either.

wow very impressive!!! thx for sharing!!!

thank you!






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