
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm new to Grasshopper and I have just started my first tutorial which is asking me to place a Point XYZ but it doesn't come up on my command bar when I search for it. I've also looked through the menu's for it but cant seem to find it. Any idea why? 


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Point XYZ

Is now called [Construct Point] and is located on the Vector Tab > Point Panel

I see that there is a glaring error in the Create Database that doesn't return this component when you search for point! David should be made aware of this.

If you search for XYZ it will come up. I also put in XYZ as an alias for the component so that it comes up as the default in the list.

Aliases can be assigned from right clicking a component in the ribbon.

If so 

Perfect, thank you so much!

Yeah it's all a bit hosed innit? There isn't really a mechanism for components to tell Grasshopper "hey! I'm probably more important than any other component that uses the word X in its name".

Something that needs addressing soon me thinks.... though not sure how.


David Rutten

Seattle, WA

One that always gets me is multiplication wont show up when you type multiply. As soon as you type that y it disappears. I often type it without looking at the screen until i finish the word then remember i cant add the y. Its minor but still throws me off sometimes. 

Try * instead


yes i had the same problem ...

i was looking for the missing "S"


It was doubling up with [Point Oriented] component






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