
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

To whomever is responsible for the updates to this wonderful program.
i was wondering if it would be possible in future updates to include an xref option similar to what you would find in ACAD to link to outside definitions in order to keep the file size down and keep the canvas neat. i know there is the receiver command for within the canvas...maybe something like this to connect to outside files. if this already exists than please disregard.

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A bit like this?

It's coming soon. Though I think clusters from external files won't make it into the next release.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
why yes! haha thank you
Just curious: what on earth is Galapagos solving here..? Is it trying to write a book?
It might be trying to find a sentence... Its an example David used in a lecture at the AA a little while ago. Don't really know where the link is though. Scratch that... here's the link Its about a third of the way in.

@David... Looks good. Clusters are going to be the comeback of the year :)
Ok! Thanks for the link Damien.






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