
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there a way with bumblebee to write to multiple locations in a sheet, with different data? Often I want to write, say, the 4 lists I have in 4 branches to 4 different columns that may or may not be adjacent to one another. Is there a way to do this?

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Apologies for such a long delay in responding.

Yes, you can write multiple lists to multiple origins from a single component.

The input for Origin would be the list of origin points in the desired order.

The current structuring of Bumblebee's data input components actually work on a two dimensional branch structure. {A;B}(C)

Data can be passed in the following branch structures into the Data input

(A) = a list of data, each origin point will duplicate the data

{B}(A) = a tree of data filling a range, each {B} value represents the next sequential column/ row to be filled with the list of data. Multiple origins will result in overwriting the previous range if they overlap.

{C;B}(A) = a tree of data filling a range where {C} represents the corresponding list index of an origin point. {B}(A) still represent the data range in excel.

In the attached example, I used a path mapper component to repeat the Branch structure, since it was sequential, so the data structure {A}(B) was remapped to {A;A}(B), {Origin;Column}(Row).


Thanks David - I will take a look. 

Hi David.

Thanks for the explanation.

I haven't really figured out the logic/override procedure between XL Path and origins. 

If you want to write data to the same 10 different origins on 30 different sheets and you would very much like to do it on a specific workbook and not just the open one, how would you do that?

I can do it with a long list of origins and a tree with a lot of duplicate data, but If I wanna make sure to do this in a specific workbook?

I guess my question is, how does the origin list and XL path list (?) work together?

Also the XL Path compont outputs branches with three items for each sheet input, this confuses me a little in order to create the correct lists and corresponding dataTrees. :)



I am away for a while, but will see if I can pull some time together to reply in detail to this.

The short answer though, is that given alot of recent feedback, I'll be release a new version that will address this and severl of other issues relating to this in a short time, currently focusing on completing mesh+ version 2, and will be revisiting bumblebee after that.

Hi David. 

Okay - its going to be interesting, I believe that Bumblebee is close to being a "perfect" tool for Excel, when one knows the logic. So once the XL Path vs. Origins etc. is sorted, it will be great. Also it would be great to be able to read data via XL Path without the file opening up?


And very good work. 

Good luck with mesh+.





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