
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys
I wrote a definition for rebuild an obj file, result of an export from Blender.
My goal is speed up the interchange between RH-GH and Blender.
Now I would write a parser inside the read component capable to read (and maybe in the future, to write) directly the obj file, for now, I choose to rename with .txt extension.
I'm the worst VB-writer in the world, I'm still tryng to understand the structure of the Rhino SDK and Common is for me pure hell.
But, long and narrow is the road to understanding.
I need some suggestion to go on with this.
Thanks for your help

Paolo Cappelletto

Views: 1429


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Hello Paolo,
Have a look at this component and see if it is of any help...

Reading an OBJ File in Grasshopper

It currently only works for triangulated OBJ meshes.

thanks Nathan
I'm going to study your code.
Good luck for your next presentation!
I want to understand the basis of text parsing (how to split, find substring, ecc... ) with Read Component
I'm trying some example code from the reference of VisualStudio in GH but as result I obtained an error like this:

"Namespace or type specified in the settings RMA.Rhino not contain any public member or not defined.
Error: Expected expression"

What goes wrong?

Thanks in advance
Ciao Paolo,
sembra che GH non trovi le librerie Rhino e OpenNURBS.
Ti succede con ogni componente Script o solo con questo ?
'Prevista espressione' credo si riferisca a un errore di
sintassi alla linea 41

Thanks Emilio
No, other components work well.
It seems to me that code in Read Component don't work like VB script Component.
So I guess to understand that it is necessary to write a function using two parameter,
line to parse and GH_ParseOption, but I don't understand which is the right syntax.
I tryed to cut'n'paste this code from David

But GH gave me the same error...
Namespace problem
Nowadays how to script in Read Component is a black hole for me.

Is there anybody that can post an example of this or some suggestion?
Thanks for clarifying !
I thought it was a script component.
I too see that error here if I try to set up a Read component.
Maybe a bug ?

Maybe, but I don't think so
I hope someone make some light on this...
Step by step my obj parser still growing, but I need to understand one more thing.
The VB code gives me also the null results and the empty branches, someone can explain me how can I avoid this?






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