
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all...

I am trying to wrap a spiral form around an organic shape tower, so as  to get the effect in the attached image.

I generated the spiral by using a "series" component to generate points, then using sin and cos to spiral them, and connected them with an interpolated curve, then piped the curve to get the spiral form. So I got my spiral, and got my organic twisted tower form. To wrap the spiral around it, I used Srf Morph component, but got an awckward result as GH considered the whole spiral form as one element, and wrapped it around the form!. What I want is to get the spiral to follow the U Insocurves of the tower surface.

Any idea how to do it better?

Many thanks

Views: 9581


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ok, I do not know if I understand you right? But here is my propose!

Best Regards



Thank you very Much DeDackel. That's what I needed to achieve.

problem opening file, please personal email message. I'd dreamed of having a common file such a spiral dome for surfaces of revolution

Best Regards

Hi DeDackel;

Just couple of questions

1- Is it possible to randomize their distribution, or distances between the members?

2- Can we apply the definition to a polysurface?

Much thanks


For 1- I do have an anwser for 2- puhhhhh thats difficult (in my mind) :-)

Best Regards



Awesome. Thank you.

I'm just a beginner. I'm trying to produce the effect of yarn being wrapped around this form. I've opened the scripts but can't figure out how to link my model to the script and where I can control the spiral. Please help! Thanks.


Hi DeDackel;

Happy New Year...

I made the attached spiral definition then tried to wrap the spiral around your form, so that I can still control the number of circles and distances between them while they follow the surface shape.

Any idea how to do that?


Hey, happy new year!

I am currently without rhino and this will not change
In the next 2 weeks. So i hope you this time. Or ask some else,
i am sure here is someone ready to help you. 
Best Regards

No problem DeDackel. Enjoy your holiday.

Anyone there to help me with this definition please?, I think I need to match the spiral domain with the organic form domain, so that the spiral does not go beyond the surface boundaries of the organic form, but not sure how to do that ...

Is this helpful?

Hi Systemig;

That was very helpful. Thank you.






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