
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Heloo all !!

since i am learning grasshopper for a week from some source of tutorials i haven't got the workflow yet

can anyone explain the workflow on grasshopper in case like:

i have a kind of parametric shape sketched on paper but i don't know the basic process/step to make it into grasshopper

can anyone explain this?

thank you!!!

Views: 566

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Can you post a picture of your basic shape?

Hi chris

this is the shape i want to make, 

i need to attach the panel into every segment on the surface 



Hi Hagani,

You will get a more sophisticated solution from Chris definitively, but until then, you can try my modest contribution on this topic:


thank you so much chris

i,ll try to learn it !

Djordje, how did you take such a large screenshot of the grasshopper workspace?

Go to the file menu and find the "export Hi-Res image" option.

What was I thinking! Thanks

Heloo chris ,
First thankyou for the help again
I've some questions about the step you give
-why does the panel need to be splitted ?
-what exactly the function of cylinder you connect into BBX?

Thank you sonmuch!

That's djordje helping you out.  I haven't had a chance to look at the problem yet but I doubt I can improve on djordje has done.

All splitting and cylinder was to make your "basic shape".
But that is not necessary, if you can draw your "basic shape" in Rhino.
Take a look at the definition now, I removed the beginning part, and just left a parameter "Basic shape" by which you can assign your paneling module.

There is a pretty nice example of this in Grasshopper Primer, page 79.

Okay guys i see the different so it doesn't always need to make the model from grasshopper
actually i'm learning grasshopper from grasshopper primer and some other sources of tutorial but its kinda hard to follow because i updated my grasshopper to 0.9,
thank you guys thats really open my mind about the workflow!!






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