
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I don't know why there are so much wish discussion lately. So I take the opportunity to make mine...

1) Would it be possible to select an object in grasshopper and some how recenter the view on the preview-object in rhino space? Sometime it is useful when you try to debug somebody else definition.

2) Would it be possible to divide the workspace in 2 or more windows? I used to gather all my parameters at the start and some definitions are huge so I have to pan/scroll a lot. We also could see an other benefits, in the case of connecting 2 methods which are far from each other dragging a line from one windows to the others one or just moving/copying some methods...

Does it make sense to anybody else than me?



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ooh, when can we get that? ;-)

sorry no, Buttons and Menu Items do not support Right clicks. I added a Shift or Control override though. If you press Shift (or Control) while using the toolbar button or menu item, all viewports will be affected. Otherwise it will only affect the Active viewport.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

hi David,

would it be possible to create the "zoom on preview" function as a grasshopper component instead of just the button? I am thinking about going through a list of items and select them one by one and my rhino viewport recenters the view automatically....from each view I want to take a screenshot and safe it under its list index...I found that great VB skript for creating screenshots out of Grasshopper, but my skripting skillz at not advanced enough to implement the zoom on selected object functions out of GH

I think it would be a great feature and safe a lot of time...

Just have an other "wish" while I was grassopering...

Could it be possible, when we select 2 groups, to have the alignement tools/options that we have when we are selecting 2 components?

It is just an aesthetic wish and not really important but...
Oh and could we move a bunch of group together? When we have 2 groups selected if we drag one of them only this one is moving...
What if multiple groups and group content objects are selected? Do I ignore the content objects and move all groups? What if groups and ungrouped objects are selected? Are ungrouped objects allowed to be moved along with a group?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
What happens when you select both Groups and Group content? Note that the boundaries of a group are defined by the position and size of the content objects, so aligning one automatically changes the shape of the other.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Something to consider on editing groups. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about this idea, but It may make it easier if you considered a group locked and to edit the group you double-click the group to "open" it as editable. Then you won't have the issue of mixed content selection. If you select any component inside the group or inside the group boundary, the whole group is selected and moved together. The "locking" of the group couldn't lock wire attachments or it would be too unwieldy to use groups.

It may also help eliminate one quirk of editing groups. Currently, deleting members that are in the group sometimes extends the group to other members that were not originally in it. As far as I can tell, there currently isn't a way to add new components to an existing group without deleting and re-creating the group?






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