
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Similar to Rhino, it would be nice to have an undo-multiple and redo-multiple option for Grasshopper. 

[In case this post is a repetition, my apologies]

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I can't remember whether it's been mentioned before. I've thought about it before, but now it's written down in my little red book (little book with a picture of a KingFisher on it actually).

I also wrote down that it would be nice to delete specific undo/redo records from the document, as well as re-order them, merge them and execute a specific one without executing the ones in between. Some of these operations will result in an invalid undo state, but the undo-system is already able to handle those cases by simply ignoring undo records that no longer make sense.


David Rutten

That would be awesome.

Oooh, sounds fancy!

EDIT: Kingfisher reminds me of home :(

I also like the checkpoints or marks you can add in Autocad to the undo operation. It's very useful if you want to test things out. It works by typing undo, and then "m" to add a mark. Then draw all you want and if you want to undo it all to the previous state/mark type undo, and then "b" for back. And you can add as many marks as you want. 






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