
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I know that remote panel will return, and its a matter of time. Just in case I would like to share my thougts about it.

1. It would be great to customize it with some sort of editor (like layout editor)

2. Even cooler would be to make some kind of presentation preview. (GH disappears, rhino goes to fullscreen mode with somehow integrated remote panel). I like to watch apps/scripts made with processing, where sliders are really minimalistic. 

3. Presentation preview may be optionally locked with password.

I realize that GH isnt processing, but this would be nice addition.

Views: 251

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Yeap!! Nice suggestions there. I found myself several times asking desperately for the good ol' remote panel: especially when trying to illustrate some definition's impact. So I second those thoughts. I am not sure if I know that, but why was the remote panel left out in the first place?






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