
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all

i have a old version install in my rhino (0.8 0004) and i realise some of the tutorial interface are different to what i have (i don't have scalar).

i am not so sure how important is version for me since i am new to it.

if i really need to install a closer version what would that be??

for Rhino 4.0 (service release 8.0)...

thanks for ur time

Views: 665

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Learner,

Scalar is missing because a lot of operator components were merged at some point. I used to have Number Addition, Vector Addition, Complex Addition and Colour Addition, now there's just Addition and it does all of em. 

I suggest starting with the most recent version (0.8.0061) and asking online if a component is no longer available and you cannot find it.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

0.8.0061 I use with rhino 4 service 8, all components and plugins work, including new ZUI components.

0.8.0061 seem to work, cheers guys






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