
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I tend more to learnig Python, because many other 3d apps use it already and VB beside from grashopper seems only being usefull for microsoft office - correct me, if i´m wrong.

Does the python component have or will it in the future have the same functionallity as the VB component? Is it OK to focus on python? Or will I miss something?

By the way I have very a rudimentare understandig in both languages (a little bit more in python). But I´m always a beginner in programming and it´s confusing to learn two languages at the same time. 

Would be nice to get an answer!


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lets see:

blonde wife = VB

Red Head = C#

brunnete = Python

Extra marithal Affair = Python 

do it (yes/no) = YES!

yes learn Python!

so we can say that Python is ideal for fast scripting and that C#/vb is better for durable scripts (like making a gh component)?






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