
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys, this may seem like a dumb question...but is midpoint output for grids gone forever? I tried searching the forum but seems like nobody else have asked this before.

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Hi Elam,


yup. If you want the midpoint of the cells, you'll need to take the average of two opposing corners for each grid cell.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

aww...I miss it already. Anyway, thanks David for the timely response.
Can it be put back in easily?

Well, yes, easily enough. I'd have to add another output parameter for it, which is why I removed it in the first place. How about I add an extra component that can get the midpoint (average) for any polyline? That would probably be useful in other situations as well.


Right now you can plug the cell-curve output of all grids into an Area Centroid component, but there's quite a lot of overhead there (I have to create a planar trimmed surface first, then call expensive area centroid code).



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hey Elam


I just use the mid point script from the last GH primer. Though there maybe a quicker way to write/run the script but not had chance to look yet.


Hope this Helps



Thanks Matt, I will give it a try.






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