
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, guys.

What are these points called? It looks different from control points. Appears around the boundary.

In scripts, I can access control points by rs.ObjectGripLocation. Are there any command to access those points too?


Views: 543


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Thank you for the reply Tom,

Those points control the points on the end of geometry, maybe something related to slope.

I couldn't find the information of them in control points.


From looking at the picture i think you have a TSpline Mesh Selected. If i remember right these control the edge tangents of the TSpline Surface (Sub D) if you move them them switch to tsSmooth you will see their effect.

As for how to access them in code, you may need to ask on the TSplines Forum.

I never tried coding in TSplines just used it manually in Rhino mostly.

Thank you!

They were in control points data inside Rhino. Just grasshopper can't read them.






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