
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

what is the principle of this beautiful facade?


i'm trying to make curved facade with random openings like this.


I think it's not so hard. But i don't have that much time to finish it myself.

Can someone give me some tipps or example links about it?????

thank you so much!!!!

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Djordje, it is approximated of  what i would suggest. Nice discussion guys. Simple, clean and faster

that's right. I will remember your Motto :DD 

one more question :)

i'm using it for my facade now. But I can't figure out how to combine the values of random scaling factor and an point attractor, in order to make it related to the solar direction. 

seeing the picture, i want the random openings of south facade much biger than the north.


wow, perfect!!! you are so clever

Thank you so much. have a nice day ;)

Another lunchbox approach....this one uses the diagrid points to generate meshes.  Not exactly for this discussion, but would work...

i think the ideal approach to architectural desing it is exactly the opposite, protected the building to south and open size to north where the light is more homogeneous. well, however follow this approach, I hope it is useful. 


About the architectural idea. Maybe i'm right. cos the location is in the north. because of the cold weather, we need more southen openings and massive facade to north. :)

Hi! this discussion is being very useful for my project! thanks, but I have a problem, because i can´t open the grasshopper archive. My version is, Rhino4 Sr9 and Grasshopper 0.8.0010. 

Can you help me?? I don´t know if is about the version or no, but when I open the archive, I have a wrong message.

Thanks again!

Hi Miguel,

Yes, your grasshopper version is too old.
Download the latest (for Rhino4) from here.

Ouh!! Thank you very much djordje! but now I have other problem jejeje, look at this:

Do you Know what can I do?

Install the Lunchbox plugin:






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