Can anyone give me the basic rundown of what the idea behind surface relaxation algorithms do? why is it useful/relevant/etc? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
DR was originally devised by alistar day of arup way back in the late 60s. It was further developed by mike barnes of happold later bath uni. David wakefield has since been pioneering the development of DR in such fields as air ship design. I once worked at his company tensys in bath. As far as I know GSA is the only structuralengineering platform that uses DR. I've also posted some image of minimal surfaces form found using DR. The key is DR should find surfaces of stable equilibrium. UsuAlly there is only one solution to a minimal surface for given boundary conditions. An example of one of few Mathematically explicit solutions for a minmal surface is that of a catenoid. U can check the accuracy of any relaxation code against this exact solution.
For a uniform surfaces stress it gives the stable equilibrium shape. I.e I u design a tensile surface to a geometry that is not in equilibrium it will move when u install it causing wrinkles etc. The surface geometry has to be found not dictated. It's one area where engineering can actually drive the aesthetis ;)