
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I can't find any firm information about the development of GH2 - when it began, what state it's in now, approximately when it might be released. In fact, the only information that I know about it is that bugs in GH1 likely won't be addressed until GH2 is released.

So, does anyone know anything about when we migth see GH2, what its features are, etc.?

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We're certainly quite happy about open sourcing some of our stuff. RhinoCommon (the C# part at least) is open source, OpenNURBS has been open source since forever. I certainly wouldn't mind GH being opened up (either as a whole or maybe just the code for all the native components), but the decision will have to be made by Bob in the end.

I bought Rhino 10 months ago just to check it out and I am now addicted to Rhino+Grasshopper. I have been using it to develop combinatorial floorplanning algorithms similar to bin packing / tiling. I've wanted to post my first question for months, but this forum is so good I haven't had the opportunity. I just want to post to say I'm in favor of an open source GH, but really to just say thank you for all your hard work and outreach to this community you have created. Excited for GH2!

Thanks Joseph!

That's very exciting to hear, David!

Is there anything we can do to support the open-sourcing of GH (ie how can we help convince Bob)?

Yes. A shameless GH clone I might add. But looks rather great with WPF UI and completely opensource C# codebase.

Wow, this thread is old! What's the latest? I've had my eye on Grasshopper for years, but never had an opportunity to get into it. Super excited for this to come to Mac! What are the chances GH would be written for other 3d programs also - I'm thinking Fusion 360... Nice to see it's getting baked in to Rhino though. Seems like good progress.






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