Actually with GH 0.7.0057 and Rhino V5x64 update 2010_10_14 the Gh component for offset doesn't work properly. It gives as output an offset which is the opposite of what expected (for istance if I put 0.2 as value it gives a result which should be expected with -0.2). Moreover when it works it takes a huge amount of time in order to solve the task, even for really simple input data.
The second problem appears when I try to bake some solids or cap or join solids in Rhino generated through GH. If I generate good geometries into GH and, then, I try to bake the closed BReps those geometries are very bad. The same problem appear if I try to bake just surfaces and then join'em together into Rhino.
I hope in some suggestion.
Thank you so much.