
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi to all,
this is my first post here basically cause i'm kind of new on grasshopper, after having a small workshop to learn the basics. My question is regarding a definition that i'm working on, which is a column with a "basket shape" sort to speak. i did the definition but now i need to "weave" the elements in order to get the arrangement of the strips. I did my best with the definition but after 2 weeks of trying how to do it, i couldn't. probably you will see some redundant connections but at least is working. thanks A LOT if someone can help me, i would appreciate it.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Alejandro,
It will be better if you post an image of what you have right now and an other image of what you want to achieve..
sorry you are right.
here are the pictures of what i have and what i would like to do on grasshopper, if it's possible. thanks for the reply.
Alejandro, tu definicion esta bastante alejado de lo que quieres lograr, ya que comenzaste creando una cinta plana (loft de lineas rectas). El componente de weave es para mezclar la información de las listas, no es para modificar geometrías ni deformarlas como quieres.

Tal vez lo mejor es que empiezas de nuevo, te recomiendo partir de una superficie, subdividir la superficie en puntos y mover los puntos según la normal de la superficie (hacia afuera o hacia adentro según corresponda). Luego generas las curvas deformadas por estos puntos. Finalmente ya teniendo las curvas, ve como darles ancho y espesor para crear las cintas según la orientación de la superficie.

Busca información de como hacer un diagrid, ya que te ayudara con todo el asunto de los puntos en una superficie y como hacer las curvas en diagonal.
judging from the images, perhaps an arrangement of offset helixes could do the trick.
there's an exampe of how to draw a helix in the grasshopper primer - if you take a few of those and shift the parameter values, it might work.. or do whatever Manuel says ;D
I think that your idea is probably more easy for a beginner user.
thanks for the replies!
i'm working under your advices, although the idea of but why, precisely? probably is for a beginner user as you say, i think i'm unfortunately on that situation yet, should it work as well? i'm trying both, but the one you manuel replied seems to be more complex... do you think that the arrangement of offset helixes should work?
here is a "quick" solution with circles and working with the points:

well, I'm pretty new to GH myself... so that's why the solution appears more intuitive, perhaps ;D
but I'd sure like to understand your approach, Manuel - could you hack out a reduced English version of it, if you have a second? (I can only gleam from it... subdividing a surface, (i.e. in the shape of a cylinder?), into surface points and "stepping" upwards in the point list..?
hi again manuel and thanks for the reply,
that looks as what i would like to do actually, judging for the image, but i can't see the definition well and the link seems to be not working! can you upload it again to take a further look to what you have done?
the link is working, try with right click and save as...

or maybe you need the latest wip version:
toda la razon manuel, tenía qe "guardar como..." y actualizar a la ultima version. respecto a la definición, era justamente lo qe qería hacer, muchas gracias por la ayuda!






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