i have 2 waves generated in GH, and i would like them to interfere, (like it's shown in the second picture).
This means that the altitude of a point on the interference surface is determined by the sum of the z-coordinates of the 2 initial wave surfaces in that XY plane coordinate.
how do you advise me to go about this?
one way is to make a horizontal grid of vertical lines that intersect the two initial wave surfaces, get the intersection points and generate a new point in the middle of the distance between the initial two. then make a new surface based on the newly generated points.
is there a simpler/more economical way of doing this?
thank you!
(how ca i embed pictures in the post? it seems it doesn't work as in the usual forums, if i use the [URL .... URL] thingies, it just displays the text, not the image..)