
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Waffles, eggcrates: is there a definite definition? Or any software that can do it?


I am rather new to GH, and I have a slight problem. I made this way too complicated model that I need to reproduce IRL, and I figure a dense waffle/eggcrate contstruction treated with resin, plaster or any filler of some sort may do the trick. The problem is: I dont have the skill to make a definition myself and I cannot find one that manages the job. Now the question: is there a definition out there that is the go-to definition? Or are there other pieces of software that does this better than GH?

Any and all advice welcome, I am starting to panic a bit :)

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How do you manage to get this shape? was that a method involved?

The boxes are capped extrudes that I have booleaned into a big polysrf. I have non-booleaned shapes as well if need be. 

Any other ideas on making the model are also welcome :-)

try autodesk 123d make, export the shape you already have in .obj and try to see if with several layers of material you can approach the shape you are looking for, somehow abstract but it may work,

Perfect, thanks a big bunch!






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