
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Does anyone know how to get wireframe of voxels inside, that is of the entire volume instead of just on the surface. 

Hint: it is possible to "offset" isosurface by pluging in multiple values in IsoValue parameter of GetIsoMesh component. So is it possible to do the same with closed Brep as an input?

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I'm not sure I understand the question. It appears that you're already making an offset mesh around the curves, and then feeding that into some Monolith components to make another distance field calculations. This seems redundant. In addition, trying to create a distance field from a curve network that is that complex is going to be incredibly slow (at least in Monolith and until we can speed up the calculations).
Lastly, you can certainly input multiple values into the GetIsoMesh component and it will generate a multitude of meshes (that are manifold and nested face-on-face). However the values that you feed into the GetIsoMesh component are not distance values... rather they are the threshold in the voxel field that you want to use to determine the boundary condition using a marching cubes algorithm. The threshold will always be between 0 and 1. You can specify as many ISO surface threshold values as you want, just make sure they always fall between 0 and 1.

Thank you Andy for this reply. Actually mutliple values in the GetIsoMesh component don't seem to work on a closed brep. I attach picture of this. It only goes to certain deistance and then it stops. Do you know what could be the issue by any chance?

It must have to do with the underlying voxel field data and how you're generating it. If you want to increase the distance of the offset, perhaps you could adjust the falloff value of the geometry generator.

So I actually tried to do some adjustments and it increased distance of the offset outside, but couldn't go further inside. I was wondering if you knew why this is the case?

Thanks for the reply despite the late hour.






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