
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I've been trying to develop a rationalised voronoi panel system which can be used to form spaces. I've tried by applying a 3D grid and selection of 4 sizes of spaces within this grid. The idea is to be able to get a flat floor and ceiling for the cells since they will be used as spaces and somehow extract a number of panels whch can be combind in various ways to form the spaces. (lets say 20 panels)

I tried packing a box with the 4 types of spaces placed in various combinations and then extracting the resulted panels but i get 600 different panels still even though some repeat.

I don't know if I've explained this very well, my final aim is to have a system which can be used for the formation of spaces for different uses.

I will be extremely thankful if anyone could help or suggest a way for rationalising this, i've been trying for 2 weeks now and am close to giving up...

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It's the "various combinations" that's the problem. Pretty much any introduction of variability into a voronoi diagram is going to result in signficiant difference, so repeated elements are intractably difficult to produce if you want your paneling system to result in a variety of individually-configured spatial conditions, even if those conditions themselves are modular, as in your illustration. Your best bet may be to look at various space-packing techniques (like weaire--phealan foam, for example...look up how the Water Cube for the Beijing Olympics was developed).

Thank you for your answer! I did look into Weaire–Phelan structures before, the problem is they are based on equal sized volumes and i'm looking for a way to develope various different sizes.






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