
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i am using a voronoi 3d to cut panels on a sphere.
Sometime work good, but some not, and it return open breps,
 or invalid breps or trimmed surface.
 I am working with a few point (29),
 And there is not repeated points.
 The upper picture show the lack panel
Someone can tell me what happen?

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You're right, somehow the Voronoi3D component outputs invalid breps. The problem seems to be the inclusion of some very thin slivers. I'm not able to fix it either inside GH by exploding the brep, removing the slivers and joining the left-over faces back together. That results in breps with naked edges.

I can however get rid of the errors by completely rebuilding the cells using only the valid (read area > insignificant) faces. This does mean you end up calculating the cells twice, not to mention the addition of some pretty nasty additional logic in your algorithm:

The idea is:

  1. Explode each voronoi brep into the individual faces.
  2. Measure the area of each face.
  3. Remove all faces whose area is tiny (<1e-3).
  4. Use the remaining faces and the original cell seed points to create new neighbour points via the Mirror component.
  5. Compute individual voronoi cells.

The result now is a list of closed, valid polysurfaces.


Thanks, now work like expected.







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