
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

i've been trying to understand how to create 3d voronoi structures with a definition provided by dimitrie stefanescu on his website, but i did not get very far, even though he has kindly added in lots of explanations.

really appreciate if anyone can help provide a clearer explanation of how to use it.

i've tried rather unsuccessfully to control the shape.(pls see my attachment.)
so my simple qn is how do i set a bounding box to fit the shapes within ?
and how do i subsequently cut holes in the shapes?

Thanks in advance! i've attached dimitrie's definition as well.

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On the old forum i posted a definition that creates 3d voronoi cells within a component without having to access an external app:

It is based on a rhinoscript i found that creates the cells using the 'brute force' method. This means it's a lot less efficient than the qhull method, it will take a lot longer if you have a huge amount of points. But it's easier to use. Another difference between both versions is that this definition creates closed breps per cell, the qhull method creates only one surface per boundary (but this can be changed if you know how to modify the code).
I couldn't open that file, probably because it was made in an old version. Luckily, if you edit the file with a text editor, the code is still intact. Attached is a new definition with the rescued code.
Thanks alot Vicente, i'm not so familiar with rhinoscript but i'll try it out. Thanks for updating the definition as well. i'll get back to you if i've more questions! Thanks!
Hello guys!
I've read your posts, but I still have a problem with creating something like Zaha's Mesa Table.

It needs to be created a 3d offset of every voronoi volume by every point. And every corner should be smoothed. I am a newbie in gh, so I can't do it yet, could u help me please !
Thanks in advance.

BTW, does this 3d voronoi script do volumes only within box ?
Hello Dmytro,
I am having a go at creating something like Zaha's mesa table also, but i am very new at this.
Is it possible to guide me through it?

Thank you, id appreciate it very much if you could help me!
I´ve tried this before. The problem you´re having is that there is one component that has a file location with the QHULL.xml document, and perhaps you haven´t changed that location and you are using the default one.
I see I'm about a month late on this reply but just to throw in my two cents. I actually just completed a project for my scripting class which I used 3d voronoi. I tried the uhull component first and realized an architectural form can't really be acheived with it so I used the pointsetreconstruction plugin which can be downloaded from the rhino homepage. Just input a set of 3d points, activate the 3d voronoi function and it will create cells for all the points; although the cells come oriented in a box form you can set them to a brep component and use a trim sold to make the cells follow any form you want.
Sounds super easy! What did you produce with such tools?
Hi Aaron

I am currently researching within 3D voronoi diagrams and passed by your post. Could you show some of your results and maybe explain the method further?

Cheers, Patrick
I know and still curious about the results.
I was actually curious as well and ended up doing something aking to what I think he was describing. Instead I created two variable surfaces projecting a voronoi pattern onto each but varying the elements from one to the other, then connecting the two sets...through in some randomness and there are some really interesting planar geometries the resemble abstract large scale sandwich structures. Ill post some results later...too busy plugging away on thesis for now.






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