
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone

I was wondering if its possible to fill the volume of a cube with triangular shapes.

Similar as how the Voroni 3D algorithm does. But with triangles instead of cells.

I have been trying but didn't make it to anything solid for a gh def. My first thought was to try with triangular grids, then get those points and use the Delaunay Connectivity component.

Any ideas much appreciated.


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What about just deconstructing the voronoi into pyramids. Something like this. 


I was looking for a more regular/grid like result, like a lattice.


Mmm thats smart, I have one question why dont triangles get extruded to all points? 

I tried with two surfaces, grafted and not grafted, they are differences but still the result is not the same as in the cube.

See picture below: From left to right, the cube(inputted as geometry) result with the def you provided, two surfaces extruded to points, grafted and not grafted.

Longest list rules. It is your data matching, if you want to extrude to all you need to cross reference.  

I see, what I dont get is why the component is cross referencing with two surfaces, but with the whole cube it uses the longest list rule.

It is not cross referencing. It is using longest list but with grafted points as you have grafted the points. Maybe this diagram will help you understand. 

And if you want a more regular grid result, then put your points in a regular grid pattern before using the voronoi diagram. As opposed to using randomly placed points. Voronoi follows the point placement. Or just stack some boxes...

Okay! Thank you! I get it now.

I tried your suggestion, but I am not convinced with the result. Isnt there a way of making the triangles bigger or less exploded? Like suppose you only had 3 big triangles to fill in the cube.


Of course. It all depends on how you want to split up the geometry. There is 100000........... ways. You just need to define what you want to achieve and go from there. This was just a very short example using a quick method of triangulating surfaces.  

What I would like to achieve is a definition that fills a cube with triangles, and you can control the number of triangles with a slider. So the less triangles, the bigger they will be.

I think a good criteria would be that arrangement has to be the option that fills the most volume percentage.

I really cant think of one way from your 100000, pretty new to this yet.

Any suggestions? Thanks






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