
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to pass a list of onLines into my VB component. This somehow throws an exception. Does anyone know if you can pass in a list of geometry to the VB component? According to the grasshopper primer, page 114 this is supposed to be possible.

Any ideas?


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I don't have the same problem. Have you set the type hint of the input as OnLine? From where do the lines come from?
Yes, I tried to set the type hint to "Online". However, the exception gets thrown regardless of what "hint type" i specify.

The lines are generated from another VB component. This component basically reads a data set from excel and draws some lines.

Maybe it doesn't matter since according if I don't pass in a list, the component just gets called multiple times. But this is a weird error.
It looks like it's not understanding the data type from the previous script. Have you tried placing a Line parameter in between?
Yeah, I just tried that and it doesn't seem to like that either.

On a similar note, I've drawn some boxes along the path of some lines and I'm getting a "RMA.OpenNURBS.OnBox" which is good. Except that these boxes don't get displayed in the Rhino viewport. It seems like a similar problem to that when the cylinders don't get displayed. Any ideas? Do I have to promote these "Onbox" to a surface to get it displayed?
Can you post your code?
did you add "new" to definition of variable? for example: dim myScriptedPoint as new on3dpoint

and about listing data as input to VB script - there is an option to make list of input data instead of continual data stream - click on input with right button on mouse and check option "list".






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