
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Variation of extrusion amplitude based on position of centroid on srf - Sloped extrusion

Hi there,
I am trying to make a surface texture with cells protruding most at the bottom and barely at all at the top (the texture is attached to something but I left it out for simplicity). I have tried creating a 'range' of vector amplitudes, but it just creates multiple extrusions one on top of the other. 
I have been trying to create variation based on the position of the centroid of the cells on the srf (so the higher they are on the surf the lower the amplitude of the vector for extrusion direction) but have so far not found a way to do it. 
Ideally I would like the extrusions to slope rather than each one being obviously smaller than the last - so not like steps - instead face of each extrusion curving into the next one so the texture is prominent at the bottom and subtle near the top.
- File attached -

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I don't have the Panel Tools extension so I couldn't look at your def, but it sounds like you want to divide the position by some coefficient. So maybe take the Deconstruct Point component and plug everything into that. And then divide the Z by something to control the amplitude.

If that doesn't make sense, sorry. Words can only do so much. I like to attach a modified def, but again, no Paneling Tools here...

Hi Jacob, not fully sure I understand but I will explore the commands you have suggested. Thanks :)

I'm not sure this is what you want. Anyway this could be one way.


That looks great! Was intending on extruding the inner cell (so the bit you have extruded would would be gaps/channel between the extruded pattern), but at least I have some idea now of where to go on from. I think I can adapt this. Thanks!

Hi - Have deleted unnecessary merge/lofts so what is left is the walls. Would like final effect to be that of separated extruded polygons - but otherwise very similar to your file. 

Tried to create 'cap' effect by splitting lofted outer shell with lofted cell walls then separating out the polygons - which I would then join to cell wall extrusion -  and the web between them- which I would then delete. Got stuck here though.


Check this.


Somehow missed this reply until now but ended up figuring it out is nearly the same way.

Thanks for your help!






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