
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

Is it possible to assign a variable concrete section in Karamba ?

I have a shell element that have a thickness at base different than the thickness at top ? how can I assign this in Karamba ?

Thanks ..

Views: 1586

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with the image

Hi Ibrahim.

I can't see your picture on my screen, but anyway...

You could divide your shell mesh into a number of seperate meshes - depending on the precision of the thickness variation, then assign each mesh a unique shellID and then assign the different shell cross sections to the different shellID's.

At least that is what I would try :) Maybe there are better ways.


Thanks Rasmus,

This is what I have done, and this is what I have got ..

I am not sure what is happening in the cross section component, it seems that only one cross section is considered ..

Okk, I cracked it .., it was a matter of grafting and flattening .. Thanks

Yes indeed the data structure is going to be important :)

Good luck with the project






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